Sunday, March 15, 2009

Introduction to Big6

You will be creating a project based on your grade level standards. You will be spending today learning or re-learning how to use the Big6 in your research projects. This will include:

  • Instruction from your Teacher Librarian;

  • The first 5 parts of the Big6; and

  • You being an active participant in your learning.

Big6 #1: Task Definition

For this first step, you will need to figure out two parts. The first is about what you are supposed to do and the second is what specific pieces of information you will need to find.

Where is this information?:

  1. Some of it is in your head.
  2. Some of it is on the Internet (see the links below).
  3. Some of it is in your teacher's head.
  4. Some of it is in your teacher librarian's head.


Big6 3-6

Big6 #2: Information Seeking Strategies

After you know what your job is and what you are looking for, then you need to figure out how you will find the information that you need.

Click on this link to find out what Step 2 of the Big6 is.

Now that you know what it is, write that on your paper (in the box on the left). Now look at the links below. Those are some of your sources. What are some other sources?

Marshall Cavendish Digital



Webpath Express

Put all of these websites in the box on the right.

Big6 #3: Location & Access

Now we are on to Big6 #3. This one is called "Location & Access." You need to go once again back to the Big6 website and discover what you do now.


and write that in the box on the left.

Now, in the box on the write, give some possible places to find the information that you need.

Big6 #4: Use of Information

By this point, you know you will need to use the information that you have pulled together. However, first take a look at the Big6 website again:


and write in the box on the left what you do in step 4.

Now that you have some idea of what to do, in the box on the right, you need to write down how you will collect the information. Ask your teacher or your teacher librarian how you need to collect it.

Big6 #5: Synthesis

I know that you all will not be surprised, but you need to go one more time to that website:


to determine what to do now that you have all of these pieces of information. Decide:

1. What goes in the box on the left; and

2. What are some possibilities for what goes in the box on the right?

Big6 #6: Evaluation

This is the last step and it happens:

a. After you have completed your project; but

b. Before you turn it into your teacher.

Go, yet again, to the Big6 website, and write in the box on the left what it says. In the box on the right, you should ask your teacher or teacher librarian what things you need to do before turning in your project.